BOBCATSSS is an annual symposium organised by LIS student. It takes place under the auspieces of EUCLID. Every year it is co-organised in a different place by student teams from LIS Schools of different countries. Under supervision of their professors student teams plan and realise both the content and the management of the symposium as a whole. They are responsible for every aspect of organization of the conference, from marketing and financing to logistics and managing the review process.

Target groups of the BOBCATSSS symposiums are information specialists,  LIS faculty, researchers and librarians as well as LIS students. BOBCATSSS is a unique meeting place for the professionals of tomorrow with the professionals of today.

The name BOBCATSSS is an acronym and describes the university network. The letters stand for the first letters of the cities of the universities that initiated the BOBCATSSS symposium in 1993: Budapest, Oslo, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Tampere, Stuttgart, Szombathely and Sheffield. During the last years further members from Borås, Riga, Kharkiv, Moscow, Tallinn, Torun, Warsaw, Sofia, Ljubljana, Krakow, Bratislava, Prague, Osjiek, Zadar, Berlin, Potsdam, Porto, Ankara and Parma have joined the network.

List of BOBCATSSS Symposiums

List of the Bobcatsss symposiums, with their locations, themes and organizers in chronological order.

2016 – Lyon, France
The Role of Libraries in Democratic Cultures, Intellectual Freedom and Censorship, Libraries, Open Access and Open Data, and Protecting Privacy. ENSSIB, University of Paris Descartes and University of Knoxville-Tennessee (USA).

2015 – Brno, Czech Republic
Participation – Innovation – Design. Masaryk University, Czech Republic and University of Tampere, Finland.

2014 – Barcelona, Spain
Library (R)evolution: Promoting Sustainable Information Practices. University of Barselona, Spain and University of Boras, Sweden

2013 – Ankara, Turkey
From Collections to Connections: Turning Libraries “Inside-Out”. Hacettepe University, Turkey and Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark

2012 – Amsterdam, Holland
Information in E-motion.  Hogeschool van Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, the Netherlands; and Stuttgart Media University, Germany

2011 – Szombathely, Hungary
Finding New Ways. University of Western Hungary, Hungary; Oslo University College, Norway; and University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Austria

2010 – Parma, Italy
Bridging the Digital Divide: Libraries Providing Access for All? University of Parma, Italy and Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

2009 – Porto, Portugal
Challenges for the New Information Professional. University of Tampere, Finland and University of Porto, Portugal

2008 – Zadar, Croatia
Providing Access to Information for Everyone. Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; University of Osijek, Croatia; University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany; and University of Zadar, Croatia

2007 – Prague, Czech Republic
Marketing of Information Services. Charles University, Czech Republic; Media University Stuttgart, Germany and University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, Germany

2006 – Tallinn, Estonia
Information, Innovation, Responsibility: Information Professional in the Network Society. Tallinn University, Estonia and Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark

2005 – Budapest, Hungary
Librarianship in the Information Age. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and Oslo University College, Norway

2004 – Riga, Latvia
Library and Information in Multicultural Societies. University College of Borås, Sweden and University of Latvia

2003 – Torun, Poland
Information Policy and the European Union. Universitas Nicolai Copernici Torun, Poland and Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands

2002 – Portoroz, Slovenia
Hum@n Beings and Information Specialists. Future Skills, Qualifications, Positioning. Oddelek za Bibliotekarstvo Ljubljana, Slovenia and University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, Germany

2001 – Vilnius, Lithuania
Knowledge, Information and Democracy in the Open Society: The Role of the Library and Information Sector. Oslo University College, Norway; JBI Faculty, Norway and Vilnius University, Lithuania

2000 – Krakow, Poland
Intellectual Property Versus the Right to Knowledge? Jagiellonian University, Poland and Royal School of Librarianship, Denmark

1999 – Bratislava, Slovakia
Learning Society – Learning Organisation – Lifelong Learning. University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, Germany; University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany and University of Bratislava, Slovakia

1998 – Budapest, Hungary
Shaping the Knowledge Society. Royal School of Librarianship, Denmark; National Library of Hungary and the Hungarian Library Association, Hungary

1997 – Budapest, Hungary
New Book Economy / International Symposium Marketing and Developing New Information Products and Services in Europe.  Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands; National Library of Hungary and the Hungarian Library Association, Hungary

1996 – Budapest, Hungary
Quality of Information Services . Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands; National Library of Hungary and the Hungarian Library Association, Hungary

1995 – Budapest, Hungary
Marketing and Development of New Information Products and Services in Europe. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands; National Library of Hungary and the Hungarian Library Association, Hungary

1994 – Budapest, Hungary
The Future of Librarianship. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands; National Library of Hungary and the Hungarian Library Association, Hungary

1993 – Budapest, Hungary
The Role of Libraries Today, Tomorrow and Beyond. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands; National Library of Hungary and the Hungarian Library Association, Hungary